Sunday, June 21, 2009

About my page title

Welcome to How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria. As long as I can remember, people hear my name and start singing. As a young girl, having men break out in bravado Maria...I just met a girl named Maria... was quite embarrassing, however, I've grown to love it. How many people get sung to by random people just because they love their name?

But of all the songs for which I'm a namesake to, I'd have to say that the Sound of Music nails it. How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria seems to fit my life better than a romantic song about a beautiful girl whose grace and presence can't be forgotten. Rather, I seem to bumble and fumble my way through life. I change my mind too often, I follow new adventures without caution, and I drive too fast, pay attention to little, and I'm sort of 'grace-less'. Those closest to me know what, "that was a Maria classic" means. Details at this point are just too much to share publicly.

Why blog now? Well, it just seems like the thing to do. I'm beginning my master's program in education administration at the University of Washington and I want to record my ride. I've taken many adventures in my life and never took the time to really record them - so now I'm going to give it a try. (I don't even know how I'm going to keep up with homework, let alone a blog - but maybe it will keep me sane, we'll see.)

So there you have it. Maria's blog. My crazy ideas and life - here - recorded for whatever and whoever. Join me through my adventures of schooling, biking, teaching, interning, all while being a wife and mother. Since my life seems to be summed up in one liners from songs, as Dirks Bently would say, "Hey, now here we go!"